Stress & Minerals-Do You Have Mineral Reserves?

Stress on the body drains our mineral stores and slows down energy production which can contribute to symptoms of low energy, slow digestion and lead to imbalanced hormone symptoms.

Our bodies can especially utilize and burn through more minerals, most notably magnesium, when we are stressed - this can be mental and emotional stress, but also stressors like a hot or humid environment, under eating, blood sugar imbalances, exercise, fasting, and even lack of sleep. And to top it off, having low mineral levels in the body is stressful!

The positive side, is that when we have optimal levels of minerals in the body they can create resilience from stress and support optimal digestion, metabolism and hormone balance through short term stressors.

The most important thing is that minerals need to be in balance in your unique body and that’s what we help guide you through in our practice! Without the proper balance -  it will be challenging to fully heal your gut, optimize your metabolism, promote thyroid function and energy overall!


So what exactly are minerals?!

Minerals and electrolytes are the spark plugs to your body. Think of them as keeping the electricity on in the body. They are nutrients that drive 1000’s of cellular processes. The big four are sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

What do they do in the body?

  • Sodium: regulates blood pressure, supports stomach acid production, and maintains fluid balance.

  • Potassium: regulates blood pressure, supports blood sugar, and maintains fluid balance.

  • Magnesium: supports muscle relaxation, detoxification and digestive function. We also need this to properly absorb Vitamin D!

  • Calcium: helps to calm the nervous system, support optimal blood sugar and when in balance with other minerals strengthens bones and teeth.

…And these are just the highlights!

How would I know if I need to take a closer look at my mineral levels?

Mineral imbalance can present differently for each person. Some of the common symptoms I see in practice are:

  • Chronic fatigue even when getting 8 hours of sleep

  • Acid reflux

  • Lightheadedness

  • Low blood pressure

  • Headaches

  • Muscle cramping

  • Frequent thirst

  • Bloating no matter what you eat

  • Constipation

  • Brain fog

  • Weight loss resistance

  • PMS and hormone symptoms

This could be a sign your body needs minerals!

How to add in daily minerals?

Now the gold standard would be to get an HTMA test to guide us on the exact plan to support your unique body - but in light of that there are some strategies that can be helpful for everyone to cover the foundational bases.

We do get minerals and electrolytes from foods, especially fruits, vegetables, seafood, organ meats, nuts and seeds BUT our bodies often have a higher demand for minerals than our modern-day diets supply.

Juicing is one of my favorite ways to incorporate more colorful plants into the diet which provide anti-inflammatory compounds, boost minerals, and provide polyphenols to feed beneficial gut bacteria! If you follow me on social media you have definitely seen my green juice mornings with my favorite juicer NamaWell.

If you’re interested in getting on the juicing train - use our code Abovehealth10 for 10% off at Nama

We are excited to share our Mineral Guide for more ways to make daily minerals convenient, delicious, and easy! The guide contains mineral mocktails, juices and popsicles to help you meet your daily mineral needs. Bonus points that it is also kid friendly!

  • Grab our Link to our Mineral Guide HERE

For more mineral inspiration, visit our Above Health Storefront to see our favorite products and kitchen gadgets we use to create these tasty recipes!

If this is speaking to you, and you’d like to take a closer look at how to support your body’s mineral needs -  book a 30 minute discovery call below!



Don’t Be Scared Of Salt!


Minerals, Stress, & How To Heal The Gut