At Above Health Nutrition, we believe everyone deserves to get to the root of their health challenges through personalized guidance that supports your body’s capacity to heal and thrive.

Through functional medicine, we’ll incorporate nutrition, lifestyle, targeted tools, and expert guidance to heal your gut, eliminate digestive symptoms, and restore resilience in your health. Let’s guide your path forward to get you the answers you’re seeking, so you can get back to living life.

Here’s How:

  • Learn to trust

    Work with – not against – the unique signals that your body is telling you, so you can better understand the ‘why’ behind the issues, reclaim your power, and live vibrantly.

  • Heal with compassion

    Sustainable health starts with care that is kind and compassionate. We’ll work together as a team and always show up for you to build a plan that works with you.

  • Live vibrantly

    Seek optimal health; stop limiting yourself from participating fully in your life and get back to doing more of what you love.

Healing With Nutrition

There is no condition or health challenge in the body that isn’t positively influenced and impacted by our nutrition and lifestyle choices.

The food we eat directly influences the health and function of both our gut and body, as well as the lifestyle choices we make through the information we consume.

But what happens when nutrition alone isn’t enough to heal your gut and digestive symptoms?

We hear this often from our clients, and why we take an integrative functional approach that recognizes nutrition is just one important piece of the bigger picture to healing.

Because nutrition goes beyond just what we eat — it is also about how we eat, when we eat, and why we eat. It’s defined by our individual relationship to the foods on our plate and how we show up in life for ourselves.

At Above Health, we’re here to guide you to the root of your health by unraveling the root causes of your struggles, so you can nourish your body and build joy around food - both on and off the plate. We understand that food is only one part of the equation, and we’re here to support you on a healing journey that’s personalized, practical, and sustainable for you.

Your body has a unique story -
let’s listen closely and nourish it with what it needs

Understand The ‘Why’ of Your Health

Our health challenges are rare because of just one single dynamic in the body.

They are often the result of multiple root causes and complex stressors that might not be obvious at first. They gradually build in their intensity over time until the symptoms that were once mild now have a significant impact on your everyday life.

It takes a deeper understanding of your root causes to identify where your symptoms are coming from, so you can address and alleviate the physical symptoms that are limiting you from thriving as the fullest version of you.

Through the practice of integrative functional medicine, we’ll guide you toward your unique roadmap that combines nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, and healing modalities that strengthen your health at its very foundation.

Our work together will comprehensively support your health as you nourish your body, heal your gut, and build sustainable practices that help you thrive through your everyday lifestyle.

Meet Abby

Your healthiest life goes above and beyond just how your body feels – it’s about thriving in your everyday life to fully connect with your purpose, goals, and aspirations in life.

I know from my own personal health journey that it’s possible to reclaim thriving health after having felt like I lost it for years. My healing journey led me to become the provider I am today – because I am the person I needed 15 years ago when I struggled mentally and physically through my own chronic digestive and fatigue symptoms.

I was helpless and exhausted, dismissed by health providers who didn't take the time to understand the ‘why’ behind my symptoms. When I discovered Functional Medicine and worked through the process of unraveling the root causes behind my struggles, everything changed.

I learned how to effectively use the foundational tools of nutrition and lifestyle, as well as target my deeper root causes through personalized supplement protocols that helped me heal and stay healed. I finally had the answers that helped me target what was limiting my health – and along with it, I reclaimed my life.

And I want nothing more than to help you reclaim yours.

  • RD, LDN

  • Registered Dietitian - Simmons College

  • Health and Sciences Undergraduate - Gettysburg College

  • Advanced training in integrative functional nutrition through hundreds of clinical hours and advanced programs and mentorship

Meet Steph

Steph Reale, MS, CNS

Steph is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist who focuses on improving gut health and relieving digestive symptoms through the use of targeted nutrition and lifestyle practices. She has a Master of Science in Nutrition from the National University of Natural Medicine and over 1,500 hours of training in the functional wellness space. She is passionate about nutrition and knows how impactful it can be not only on your physical health, but also your mental health!

Steph will be your teammate on your health journey and partner with you to get to the root cause of your symptoms.

Steph loves to cook and is always experimenting in the kitchen or hanging out with her dog, Pancake!

Steph will work with you to develop a unique and realistic plan that can be implemented long term.