5 Pillars of Gut Healing that MUST be in place before you seek deeper testing

Supplements, gut powders, elimination diets…what all of these quick fix approaches are missing is how to actually eat and live everyday to address bloating, constipation, loose stools, gas and restore optimal gut health.

The importance of the foundations are entirely absent from these strategies. Let's use the metaphor of a house - just utilizing the tools of supplements, gut powders and elimination diets as the solution to heal your gut is the equivalent of decorating your bookshelves and adding drapes while the foundation of your house is built on quicksand.

This is a position that so many prospective clients come to us having experienced and feel lost and disheartened that they aren’t further along in their healing journey. This is why we created the Nourished Gut Guide (NGG), a self-paced course that prioritizes the 5 key foundational steps that must be present in order for the gut to heal. Our course guides you step by step through the why and how to practice the foundations and build them into your life to address symptoms and support long term gut health.

Let's talk a little more about what the 5 foundational steps of our Nourished Gut Guide process are…

How you do anything, is how you do everything: Gut Health Edition

The first foundational step of our Nourished Gut Guide (NGG) course is focused around guiding clients in how to eat. Right off the bat, this is NOT an elimination diet but more a focus around everything you never learned in school about how to eat. Inside of NGG we focus on educating around food and how specific foods and combinations of foods you are adding to the diet to help support healing the gut and reduce symptoms.

The biggest mistake we see clients make with diet is thinking pulling foods out of the diet is the only strategy to heal. It is more about inviting key foods into the diet to promote digestion, optimizing macronutrient and mineral intake, balancing blood sugar and ensuring the focus is on nourishing the body not restricting. A healthy thriving gut requires a healthy thriving metabolism and we teach you to personalize your nutrition needs to fuel your metabolism.

Trying to heal the gut without building a strong and confident foundation around how to eat, can lead to stress in the body that will directly break down the gut barrier and further sink your foundation into quicksand no matter how many supplements, gut powders or foods you are avoiding. Food is medicine and we help you to learn how to eat in a way that is sustainable, enjoyable and promotes gut healing.

Life’s routines are gut healing tools.

If intermittent fasting has taught us anything, it has taught us that when you eat holds massive power over your health. Now we are not in promotion of intermittent fasting, but we are in major promotion of building effective routines that work to heal the gut, hormones and energy. How we live and the routine of our day to day life plays a significant role in the health and overall optimal function of our gut. Understanding that when we eat, how we start our day, our movement routines and how we set up for sleep all communicate important information with our body that can build or break down foundational health.

Inside of NGG, we guide our clients to build daily routines based on effective practices that work with the body and build anchoring behaviors that can be incorporated into a sustainable lifestyle. We focus on guiding you in optimizing your daily routines to align with circadian rhythm by outlining the key practices that impact the health of our gut, hormones and metabolism. Our program is designed to teach you the principles of when to eat, move, sleep and other critical lifestyle strategies that can be applied to your day to day routines with flexibility and skill because you understand why and how to practice each.

The everyday functions of the gut have a rhythm that when misaligned creates symptoms of dysfunction such as bloating, constipation and loose stools. Inside of NGG, we help our clients to learn how to establish sustainable routines to anchor your digestive health while continuing to enjoy and embrace living your fullest life.

Heal the gut, start with the brain & nervous system

You may have heard that digestion starts in the brain - well this statement is entirely true - but just thinking about eating isn’t enough to get both our brain and body aligned for optimal, symptom free digestion. Building effective practices that provide the body and nervous system restorative rest are a key healing tool in restoring optimal gut health.

The brain and nervous system play a significant role in the day-to-day operations of the digestive system - so much so that if these systems are distracted from too much stress they can be a root cause that leads to bloating, loose stools, constipation and other uncomfortable digestive symptoms. We know you are busy and that much of life's stressors are out of our control, that is why we teach you how to build resilience in the face of stress to support digestion. We do this through emphasizing key resilience nutrients from our diet as well as concrete practices you can incorporate into your day for just 5 minutes at a time that target the gut-brain connection.

Stress is not all bad nor is the goal to be stress-free, but our goal is to help you learn practices that can keep your digestion on point even in the face of life's stressors. Inside of NGG, we teach you simple and effective tools to rest, reset and build resilience for the brain and nervous system to protect from life's stressors.

Remedy your gut symptoms with the foundations

Foundations don’t sound sexy - we understand that. But just because something isn’t trendy or headline catching doesn’t mean it isn’t effective at remedying bloating, constipation, loose stools and gas.

Within 2 weeks of focusing on the how to eat pillars of meal timing, chewing and meal spacing our client saw significant improvement in their bloating, gas and stomach distention. These are symptoms of maldigestion which can actually contribute to more significant gut dysfunction such as bacterial overgrowth and fermentation lower down in the gut. Showing that something as simple as focusing on shifting in how we eat can be both an immediate and long term tool to gut healing.

Inside of NGG, we also provide our clients with ample resources to remedy their specific gut symptoms they struggle with. Do you struggle with constipation? We have a full module to help guide you in both nutrition and lifestyle tips to get your gut moving as well as sharing foundational supplements that can help remedy and get clients relief.

Do you struggle with loose stools or heartburn? Gas or bloating? We dive into each of these symptoms providing insight into the why and how to remedy them with the tools we have including nutrition, lifestyle and foundational supplements.

Our goal for clients inside of NGG is to build a strong foundation of skills and functional tools to understand the why and how to heal their gut, maintain a healed gut and respond effectively to the gut health twists and turns life provides.

Our five foundational steps focus on why and how each step is integral to healing the gut. Our modules are built around actionable steps that can be integrated into a sustainable lifestyle but provide impactful benefits. After having run a private practice for 10+ years and offered online programs for 3+ years, we have learned the best success for our clients comes from just enough why and a clear, concise how to build a foundation that makes gut healing feel both ease-ful and effective.

The Nourished Gut Guide is teaching you the absolute essential steps in building optimal gut health. You can’t heal from poop problems without a stable foundation, so let us help guide you in building a sturdy foundation to heal your gut inside of the Nourished Gut Guide.

Sign up for the Nourished Gut Guide waitlist, our $200 program is 50% off for clients who sign up in its first week - so jump on the waitlist to not miss your chance to get in!


Fall Health Routines


The Three Most Common Drivers of Bloating, Constipation & Other Gut Symptoms