Reclaim your health and live vibrantly.

Let's get to the root of your symptoms and find your unique roadmap to sustainable, optimal health.

Guiding You To
Better Gut Health

All health challenges have a root cause, and we're here to help you find the answers. Above Health Nutrition is on a mission to empower you with personalized guidance that helps you rebuild trust in your body’s capacity to heal and thrive.

Through our 4-step approach with targeted nutrition, lifestyle strategies, personalized supplements, and expert guidance, we’ll partner together to find your best roadmap to eliminate your digestive symptoms, reclaim your energy, and help you step into your most optimal health.

Don't limit yourself from participating fully in your life - your gut can be healed, and we're here to show you how!

As Seen In

Find your Answers

Your body has a unique story — listen closely, and it will guide you to your answers.

1:1 Functional Nutrition Coaching

Our comprehensive private 1:1 programs are fully customized for each individual to identify and address the unique root causes of your digestive, energy, skin & sleep symptoms.

Everything we do together is personalized to you - from nutrition, lifestyle & supplements to the expert guidance you receive. Through detailed assessments to better understand your personal story, symptoms, medical history, and functional lab results, we will build a personal step-by-step roadmap that will educate and guide you to help restore your body to optimal health.

By understanding the why and connecting the dots of your symptoms and root causes, we’ll create a sustainable environment that optimizes your body’s capacity to heal - physically, emotionally, and energetically.

All programs include functional testing, nutrition guidance, lifestyle strategies, and customized supplement protocols to eliminate symptoms, heal your gut, and promote optimal health.

NGG Program

We’ve seen so many lives changed for the better when they healed their gut, and we knew that it was possible for thousands more. It’s why we created our online program to provide better access to the tools of functional medicine and put them directly into the hands of individuals.

Through this program, you will:

  • Receive direct access to the expert guidance you need to personalize your healing roadmap

  • Access to the tools and resources you need to address and eliminate the major root causes of digestive, energy, skin & sleep symptoms

  • Achieve efficient and effective results by learning how to trust and listen to your own body


Hi, I'm Abby

As a Functional Dietitian and Digestive Health Expert, I have a passion for debunking the myth that healing your gut requires extreme elimination diets and missing out on actually living your life! Through my own health journey, I discovered functional medicine and how to use the powerful tools of nutrition, lifestyle, personalized supplements, and strengthening my own intuition to help me build a sustainable roadmap to heal my body and stay healed.

As your partner, I'm here to guide you in creating your own personalized roadmap to heal your gut, eliminate your digestive symptoms, and restore resilience in your health and body.

Let’s get you the answers you’re seeking, so you can reclaim your health and live vibrantly.

Hear Above Health
In Action

Join Abby and fellow Functional Dietitian Jillian Greaves as they guide you through in-depth conversations on topics related to gut and hormone health that will leave you feeling empowered to take action.

With each episode, you’ll gain confidence and clarity on your own health and healing journey and learn to trust that… your body has your back!

Follow Along & Heal With Us @abovehealth